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My Advertising Pays, It Pays To Be On M.A.P!

Cara Membayar Membuka Rekening Saham Di Globallshare

Sebelum kita melanjutkan proses pembayaran pembukaan rekening saham di globallshare pertama sekali tentunya anda telah memiliki account globallshare disini saya tidak akan menerangkan proses membuat account globallshare dan saya berasumsi anda telah mempunyai account globallshare ok kita langsung saja mempelajari kiat-kiat dalam proses membayar untuk membuka rekening saham globallshare.

sebelum melakukan pembayaran untuk membuka rekaning saham globallshare terlebih dahulu anda harus sudah mempunyai account paypal yang sudah terverifikasi jika belum punya account paypal anda bisa mendaftar di SINI atau meng clik gambar paypal dibawah, untuk proses pendaftaran anda bisa cari referensi dari

Setelah anda berhasil membuka account paypal silakan anda login dan lihat status account paypal anda apa sudah terverifikasi atau belum ( unverifikasi ) jika belum terverifikasi sebaiknya anda verifikasi terlebih dahulu dengan menggunakan master card atau membeli vcc untuk verifikasi account paypal anda. cara gratis memverifikasi account paypal anda dengan master card dari payoneer silakan anda daftar di SINI atau meng clik gambar payoneer dibawah ini, untuk mendapatkan master card gratis dari payoneer dan untuk cara mendapatkannya bisa anda cari referensi di google cara mendaftar dan mendapatkan master card gratis dari payoneer.

Setelah account paypal anda terverifikasi sebaiknya tunggu 3 hari atau lebih agar tidak terkena limited dari pihak paypal setelah itu silakan transfer $19.00 kedalam account paypal anda. untuk proses pengisian dana ke account paypal anda bisa gunakan pihak ketiga ( money changer ) agar lebih mudah prosesnya anda cuma perlu transfer uang rupiah kepada money changer  dan pihak money changer akan mentransfer uang anda dalam bentuk dollar ke account paypal anda.

Jika semua proses diatas sudah dilakukan dan di account paypal anda sudah ada dana sebesar $19.00 sekarang saatnya melakukan pembayaran pembukaan rekening saham globallshare.

Silakan login account globallshare anda atau bisa klik di SINI

Langsung menuju menu dunia-gas lalu klik membuka rekening gas bagikan anda bisa lihat gambar dibawah ini

silkan isi data anda dengan lengkap sesuai ktp anda...lalu centang ketiga item konfirmasi dan klik membuka rekening gas bagikan dan silakan anda periksa data yang anda masukkan tadi apa perlu perubahan atau ada yang kurang jika semua sudah lengkap langsung saja klik payment dan otomatis akan mengarahkan anda pada account paypal anda silakan login untuk melakukan pembayaran via account paypal anda jika pembayaran anda berhasil akan ada invoice dari pihak globallshare masuk ke email anda silakan cek email untuk melihat invoicenya dan anda akan diberikan sertifikat yang mana didalam sertifikat akan tertulis jumlah saham globallshare anda yang telah anda peroleh sekian dulu tutorial singkat ini semoga bisa menjadi acuan dan manfaat untuk anda semua...# @-yai

NB : saat saya menulis artikel ini pembayaran pembukaan rekening gas masih dalam maintanance

Due to technical issue the payment processing currently is not available.
Please be patient, we are working to resolve the issue.

Notice: Payment processing may take several minutes.

Sertifikat Saham Globallshare setelah melakukan pembayaran 
pembukaan rekening saham globallshare

Strategy Make Money In NeoBux

NeoBux Strategy
And now to the most important part on your way to success and income with NeoBux! Strategy and how to build towards a decent daily income!
Below are a few strategies. There are so many sites offering strategies and tips (just google "NeoBux Strategy", you'll see!) I am just going to show you a couple of different versions.
Personally, I jumped in and invested about $100 to get started, but as you will see below, you can get started with absolutely NOTHING out of pocket! You can use your earnings from ad clicking to build your referral team, you need never spend a dime out of pocket to make this happen!
Earn with NO COST

What I am about to show you is a way to build your earnings to $50 bucks a day without spending a nickel. No hype, no fluff and at most 15 minutes a day.

$50+ Per Day NeoBux Strategy Guide : No Investments Needed!

This Strategy Guide will teach you how to make REAL money with NeoBux, without paying them a thing. The only catch is you won't be making $50/day right off the bat.  You will be making a few cents when you first start.

The name of the game is called PATIENCE.
Now, with this method, I haven't invested any money to earn money. If you have money to invest, by all means, do it  and you'll see results faster than mine. The key to making money on NeoBux is through referrals.  It's simple, if you don't have referrals, you won't make money.

You can rent referrals directly from NeoBux.

The referrals are real people (NOT BOTS) and cost 25 cents a month each.  Some will be active and some won't.  To recycle a non-active referral for an active one you have to pay 7 cents.
It may seem like a lot, but it's worth it.  If you don't recycle inactive referrals, you will lose money.
First thing to do is Sign Up For NeoBux Here!

Step 1:

Start clicking your ads every day. When you reach 75 cents by clicking on your own ads (if you don't invest money) you are able to rent 3 referrals. (BUT DO NOT RENT REFS YET!).  It takes a few days to earn the 75 cents on your own and people are so eager to rent referrals that they just purchase as soon as their account reaches 75 cents. When people do this they do not realize that they do not have enough money to maintain their rented referrals and their referrals eventually are taken away because they can't pay for them.

Step 2:

Ok so before you rent referrals you should earn $3 by clicking on your ads (Or You Can Invest For Quickness) and then transfer it to your rental balance. This way you have $1 per referral and you will easily be able to recycle them if they are not active or pay to keep them for one more month. It will take a while to get $3 on your own, but this way you will be able to keep your referrals and exchange the inactive ones for active ones without the fear that you will not be able to pay for them.

Step 3:

Once you have your $3 in your rental balance rent 3 referrals. Auto pay is another must. As soon as you rent your first 3 referrals turn Auto pay on (you will find this on the page below where your referrals are listed). Referrals cost 25 cents a month to keep. Instead of you paying for the referral, they pay for themselves as long as you have Auto pay turned on. What it does is subtract one of the advertisements your referral views each day and puts it towards the 25 cents that referral needs to stick around for another month. So you get one less penny from each referral, but they will be your referral as long as they are active.

Step 4:

Cashing out too early is a huge problem for people that use NeoBux. When you request a payment it is INSTANTLY transferred into your AlertPay / Paypal account. In order to see if NeoBux is indeed legit (which it is) many people will earn $2 by clicking and then cash it out. Woo-hoo. You now have a TWO WHOLE DOLLARS in your Paypal account. Those dollars should have been put towards renting referrals. With this strategy you will be putting $3 into your rental balance before you rent 3 referrals.

So $1 per referral. I actually did not cash out until I started reaching +1000 refs. Keep renting referrals by increments of 3 (you can rent by higher increments later as your referrals make you more money) and continue until you have 300 referrals. This will take quite some time. This is where most people flake out. When you reach 300 referrals, stop renting referrals and just maintain the ones you already have.

Keep doing this until the money builds up to about $100 and you can use $90 of it to pay for a Golden upgrade.
$100 won't take very long at all to get once you have 300 referrals and once you upgrade to golden your earnings will DOUBLE. This is the great part. Golden costs $90 a year but instead of getting half a cent for every advertisement your referral views, you get 1 cent. Your earnings double. That's all there is to it.

Keep renting new referrals after you upgrade to golden and don't cash out. Remember, you haven't cashed out at all, and you shouldn't until you have 2000 referrals.

But when you do cash out, you will be able to cash out about $50 a day. And that's the end of the strategy.

It will also help you in your NeoBux adventure to get direct referrals, after 30 days with the use of a referral link they will give you.

It may seem to start off slow at first but it is only 5 minutes a day till you start to get your account built up.

Once you start renting referrals things start to get exciting.  Watch your referrals closely. No clicks for three days when you first rent them, recycle them for new ones.

Watch your referral averages and their last sign ins.  Keep all referrals that have an average of over 1.


Another Version:

1. Choose a time of day that you can click ads and eventually manage your referrals at the same time everyday.

2. Click all available ads everyday (when you get referrals this is necessary to earn from referral clicks).

3. Utilize all free methods of advertising to gain any direct referrals (after 30 days). Talk it up with your friends and relatives. Put a tagline on your e-mail signature. Post in forums. Use free traffic exchanges.

4. Once your account balance reaches $3. Transfer this money to your rental balance and rent 3 referrals. It is only $0.90 to rent the referrals but you will need the remainder to properly manage the referrals.

5. Put the autopay function on.

6. If a referral of yours has not clicked today or yesterday and has click average of less than 1.0 then recycle it ($0.07) and get a new referral. If they have a click average of between .3 and 1.0, I will give them 4-5 days before I recycle them. I will give those with an average of over 1.0 seven days to return and click just because I would hate to recycle a great referral just because they were on vacation for a week.

7. Whenever, one of your referrals goes below 20 days before next payment pay to add another 30 days. Below 20 days, the autopay function does not work and you will not get the savings for that referral.

8. Every time your account balance reaches $1 transfer the money to your rental balance. At first when you are only making a couple of cents per day it is important to keep enough in your rental balance to maintain your recycling activity because you can only transfer in $1 increments. Once you can complete this transfer and have at least $2.40 in your rental balance rent another 3 referrals.

9. Continue this process until you are making a $1 a day in your account balance. At this point you can begin renting in bigger chunks of referrals every 7 days.

10. It will take a while but continue the above listed process until you reach 300 referrals. At this point stop renting and just maintain your referrals. Accumulate the earnings until you can pay for the upgrade to golden.

11. Once golden, maintain your referrals as before. Every week continue to rent referrals until you hit the 2000 refs mark. Any money that you are not sinking into referral maintenance or renting is profit for you.

This is the way I manage my account and I have had really good results. The aggressive recycling is very key.

And yet another version


When I first started I looked at this as a way to make money without an investment. That's great and all if you're a patient person. I'm one of the many that can't wait. I spent 60 bucks in the first month. This got me 250 rented referrals.

Rented referrals is where the money's at on Neobux. The best thing to do is ride on the rented referrals. To do this you must keep them. First turn on 'Auto-Renew' and leave it on. Also maintain an active set of referrals. Constantly recycle dead refs. I set the green zone to 1.1 and the yellow starting at .7 This lets you know on the statistics and the rented page whether you're losing money(red), breaking even(yellow), or profiting (green). If a user stops clicking, give them a day or two. Say one of my referrals skips clicking today. Tomorrow their last click will say yesterday. I like to give them another day. Once the last click turns into a actual date, get rid of them. Keep this up.

Don't do this until you are happy with the number of refs you have for a while. Recycle the users with a red average first. With them on auto-renew, you're losing money. Just mass recycle these users till you have a team of dedicated users. Finally its time to go for gold!

At this point you should have about 250 members. Keep autopay turned on and check the price of extending your rented refs for 90 days. Check your profit per day and do the math. Once you can afford it, renew the refs for 90 days and disable the autopay. This saves you 20% over time. Then let your money build up. I've heard it can be tough to get rented refs once you hit golden. To prepare for this don't get gold until you have at least 300 rented refs and half are active. You should be able to perform steps 2 and 3 during this time. Golden costs 90 bucks. Get 300 refs and then upgrade. But don't upgrade till you have at least 120 bucks, 30 bucks to work with your refs.

Finally for the good part. Before you cash out, make sure you have enough to rent ALL of your refs for another 90 days. Once you do, keep that much in your rental balance. Anything else is profit. Once the 90 days are nearing an end, renew them. Be sure to overlap this time. A week is probably fine, but don't go too late, otherwise you'll have to rebuild that clicking army. After you've renewed, save up for another 90 days. That way the account maintains itself and u just click your  ads every day. I

How To Make Money With Neobux a PTC site

How does Neobux work? It works just like any other PTC; You get paid for each advertisement you click. You need to keep the advertisements open for 30 seconds, and you are not allowed to view multiple advertisements at once. Doesn't sound like a lot, huh? Well don't worry, because clicking ads yourself won't get you far. You need to get something called referrals. You can get referrals through someone directly signing up under you, or you can buy referrals from neobux itself.

Starting From Scratch: This is possible but not recommended. Here's why it's not recommended: Click 4+ ads a day reach 3 dollars: $3/(4 x $0.01) = 75 Days to Reach $3 Rent 10 Referrals for $3 Repeat steps until you are at a comfortable Referral level.

Finally, Go GOLDEN!

Analysis: Doing this can take a while but once you have your first 10 referrals, the process gets faster. And when you repeat the process again by renting more referrals, you speed up the process even more. So in essence you're creating an avalanche effect. MORE MONEY !!!

Pros: - No initial Investment Needed

Cons: - Can take a long time Starting with an initial investment

Investment Strategy: This is a strategy personally used by me, and it seems to be working so far.
So here is how it goes: Invest 30+ dollars for 100 Referrals (Referral price goes up 1 dollar after you have over 250 referrals) Repeat this step once every week, for 3 weeks until you get to 300 Referrals (You can only rent once every 7 days, that's why it takes so long.)

Go GOLDEN! (You can either use the money your referrals gain you, your own money, or a combination of the two). When you get the Golden Membership, you will make back all your invested money within a month if you maintain a Referral clicking average of at least 2 ads a day.

Pros: Does not take as long compared to "starting from scratch" method

Cons: A somewhat big initial investment is needed.

Putting Everything into Perspective: Let's say you get to 300 Referrals, and you upgrade to Golden. If your referrals click at least 2 ads a day you will make $210 a month. (500 * 2 * 0.01) - (500 *0.006) = (10) - (3) = $7 Daily Profit = $49 Weekly Profit = $210 Monthly Profit.
Big Money Strategy
This strategy is for people who want to earn a lot by investing money in Neobox. Follow the steps carefully and start your earnings!

1. Register and create an account.
2. Click all of your ads everyday and every once in a while there will be extra ads for you to click, check in often.
3. Rent 100 referrals, this will cost you $25.
4. Meet the minimum standards so you can upgrade to Golden (Rent at least twice/50 clicks credited/Be a member at least 15 days).
5. Before you go golden, you should have rented another 100 referrals for $25 and that puts you at 200 referrals and you should be golden soon.
6. Upgrade to Golden for $90.
7. Keep renting 100 pack referrals and clicking.
8. As soon as your 30 days is up, start recruiting Direct referrals.
9. Be sure that you maintain an average of 1 in order to make profit.
10. Once you reach 100 clicks credited, pay $890 to upgrade to Ultimate.
11. Buy 300 packs of rented referrals and keep doing this until you reach 4000 referrals.
12. Be sure to maintain your referrals and keep AutoPay on. If you do not have AutoPay on, extend your referrals for 90 days which will give you a 20% discount.
13. Slowly cash out your money every week and you should get your investment back in around 3 months.
14. After that, everything is pure profit for you and an Ultimate with 4000 referrals can make over $500/month profit.
See this success story from NeoBux Forum:
$2500 a month pure profit!
Earn Money with Neobux's Zero Investment Strategy

Step 1. Register and create and account.

Step 2. Click all of your ads everyday and every once in a while there will be extra ads for you to click, so check in often.

Step 3. Earn $2 - $3 through clicking your ads everyday.

Step 4. Transfer the money from your main balance to your rental balance.

Step 5. Rent 3 referrals.

Step 6. Turn on AutoPay on your Rented Referrals page.

Step 7. Maintain your referrals and recycle the ones that have an average below 2 or haven't clicked in 2-3 days.

Step 8. Buy more referrals when you can (This is every 7 days as a standard member).

Step 9. Do NOT cash out any of the money that you gain in your main balance as this is used for buying more referrals and maintaining them.

Step 10. Once you reach 300 referrals, stop renting anymore referrals and just maintain the ones that you have. That means recycle the bad clickers and keep an average of 1.1 at least.

Step 11. Build up your money to about $100 and then upgrade to Golden.

Step 12. Once you get Golden membership, keep renting more referrals and maintaining them. Once you hit 1250 referrals, you can stop renting referrals and just maintain them and start to cash out your money.

As a Standard member, you have to keep an average of 2 in order to make a profit.
As a Golden member, you have to keep an average of 1 in order to make a profit.

You have invested nothing and finally you will have a lot of money in your account, but it takes some time. Just wait and follow the given steps.

Dollar Gratis Dari InboxDollar

Memang banyak sekali situs yang menjanjikan dan memberi iming iming uang yang menggiurkan pada kita dengan cara yang relatif mudah. Misalnya membaca email, ikut kontes artikel, Survey Produk, membaca artikel dll. Setelah mencoba mendaftar hingga puluhan situs, kebanyakan mentah di jalan sebelum saya mendapatkan sepeserpun. Kenapa ?, ternyata dalam iklan yang katanya free, tanpa biaya ternyata Cuma akal akalan mereka supaya kita mendaftar.
Padahal setelah kita registrasi gratis, kita tak bisa langsung mengikuti layanan yang mereka berikan. Kita harus upgrade dari free member menjadi gold member dengan cara membayar. Huffhh …. Udah capek capek registrasi lagipula Pembayarannya lewat paypal, Verivikasi paypal harus punya kartu kredit, Bikin Kartu Kredit harus punya syarat syarat khusus. Ternyata susah juga nguber dollar di internet.
Akhirnya lewat google kutemukan situs inbox dollar. Disini Regitrasi Gratis, bahkan setelah selesai Registrasi kita sudah di beri modal $5.00. Layanan yang diberikan Inbox dollar adalah:

1. Registrasi dibayar.
Kita juga akan dibayar untuk mengisi survey pendek tentang minta dan kemampuan kita yang nantinya oleh pihak situs inbox dollar akan dijadikan dasar untuk mengirim jenis jenis Penawaran yang cocok sesuai dengan kemampuan kita. Setelah kita klik Konfirmasi, kita langsung mendapatkan kredit.

2. Get paid to Read email ( Membaca email )
Setelah kita Registrasi, kita akan mendapatkan email Penawaran khusus dari inbox dollar, kita akan dibayar setelah kita membaca email tersebut. (Sayang untuk Indonesia tak tersedia).

3. Belanja Dapat kupon
Kalau Kita membeli produk yang ditawarkan, kita akan langsung mendapatkan kupon Dollar dengan jumlah sesuai dengan jenis barang yang kita beli.

4. Game di bayar.
Bagi yang suka game online , ada puluhan jenis permainan seperti arcade, permainan kata, Olah raga dll. Buat account anda dengan gratis. Kita akan langsung mendapatkan $10.00, Bermainlah dengan member yang lain , bila kita berhasil menang kita akan di bayar.

5. Survey di bayar
Kita cukup dengan memberikan pendapat mengenai suatu Produk, hiburan, kesehatan dll , Jawab pertanyan sederhana dengan memberikan sedikit Ulasan dan riset pasar

InboxDollars adalah website yang membayarmu dengan cara membaca email, melakukan survei, toko online, bermain game, dan mencoba berbagai produk dan jasa. Banyak orang berpikir ini semacam scam, tapi sebenarnya cuma iklan sederhana. Perusahaan membayar kamu untuk mencoba produk mereka secara gratis, berharap bahwa kamu akan seperti yang lain dengan turut mencoba memanfaatkan beberapa kesempatan yang mereka publish sehingga kalian mengetahuinya. 

Penyedia jasa klik email dengan imbalan uang memang banyak sekali bertebaran diinternet, namun ternyata tidak semua d`ri tawaran itu benar. Kebanyakan justru merupakan seam yang hanya menguntungkan sepihak pihak jasa website tersebut, sementara jerih payah kita dalam mengikuti aturan main mereka tidak terbayarkan sama sekali.

Dalam inboxdollaras terdapat beberapa tawaran task/job yang dapat kita lakukan, dimana masing-masing job itu ada nilai komisinya masing-masing. Namun demikian tidak semua tawaran pada inboxdollars dapat kamu akses, tapi mungkin saja bisa dan tersedia bila kamu tinggal di Amerika Serikat. Jadi standard inboxdollars cuma memungkinkan untuk wilayah-wilayah tertentu dalam pengawasan Inboxdollars, sementara untuk wilayah kita indonesia tetap bisa ikut sebagai member untuk beberapa pekerjaan lain. Bilamana mahir dan sudah paham cara kerjanya, sesungguhnya menjalankan hal ini cukup mudah. Bergabung inboxdollars kamu tidak perlu mengundang orang dll, karena kamu bisa berpartisipasi bekerja didalamnya, silahkan buktikan kalian akan mengetahuinya.

Join Inbox Dollars
Jika kamu belum menjadi member, kamu dapat mengakses melalui blog pribadi aku. Syaratnya pasti kamu harus mencantumkan alamat emailmu. Jumlah email yang dikirimkan dari InboxDollars kepada kamu dalam jumlah sedikit, sehingga aman bilamana kamu mau menggunakan email utama. Jika kamu tidak nyaman melakukan itu, maka kamu dapat mendaftarkan dengan account baru, cukup gabung di gmail saja. Untuk starting awal bergabung kamu akan mendapatkan $ 5.

Intro Survey
Ketika kamu login untuk pertama kalinya, kamu akan diberi kesempatan untuk mengambil survei pengantar. Survei ini memintamu atas beberapa pertanyaan demografi dasar. Cukup pantas untuk mendapatkan lagi $ 1, dengan total sebesar $ 6 di accountmu. Kamu dapat mengambil hingga satu survei sehari. Survei lain yang tersedia semua mengharuskan kamu memenuhi syarat untuk survei dengan menjawab survei pra-set pertanyaan.

Beberapa task lain
Rata-rata tawaran nilai upah dari setiap task yang dilakukan antara $0.02 sampai $1 cukup bagus. Materi pekerjaan kebanyakan melakukan verifikasi tentang suatu keberadaan. Misal mereka minta kita memastikan apakah suatu alamat benar seperti yang mereka beri tau ke kita, atau apakah suatu toko yang mereka maksud menjual sepatu seperti yang mereka ketahui sebelumnya, atau kalian bisa menonton video produk dan menyebutkan nomor tersembunyi di bagian video itu, atau membenarkan nama item barang pada foldernya yang benar dll. Semua pekerjaan itu akan mudah dilakukan dalam beberapa waktu kedepan ketika sudah terbiasa dan memahami pola soal dan task yang mereka berikan ke kita

Request Payout
Anggaplah nilai pendapatanmu telah mencapai $38 atau lebih, click link Permintaan pembayaran di sisi kiri dari pusat kendali Dolar Kotak masuk untuk meminta pembayaran kamu. Mereka mengeluarkan $ 3 untuk pengolahan, sehingga kamu akan mendapatkan $ 35 dari mereka. Tunggu sampai ada email konfirmasi dari pihak inboxdollars yang berisi berita bahwa uang telah ditransfer atau telah dikirimkan lewat cek.
Bagaimana menurutmu ? Apakah ini suatu penyalahgunaan iklan, atau justru cara yang legal untuk menghasilkan uang secara online?
Bayarannya akan ditanggapi atau diproses kira-kira 45 hari setelah permintaan pembayaranmu, dan uang akan segera dicashkan ke accountmu.

Sukses Untuk Anda.................!!!

Money Income On Dollars Income

How do I make money on your website?

You have revenue from surfing commercial websites and performing jobs.
Also big part of revenue comes from the works performed by your referrals. On users that you refer from either your website or emails, you will get paid up to 60% commission from the work they done.
Invite referrals from blogs, forums, and traffic exchange sites. Please see promotion materials at the "Invite Referrals" web page.
Also buying referrals is an easy way to earn more money. You can buy referrals at the "Buy Referrals" web page.
Referrals stay with you forever, and last but not least; you can sell your referrals for real money.

How do I know that all users that I referred become my referrals?

The tracking software uses combination of cookies and IP address to track referrals for best possible reliability.
When visitors follow your referral link to sign-up, our site saves all of them as your referrals.
This process is absolutely automatic. All your referrals will be properly tracked.

How is the payment handled?

You can choose if you want to be paid by Paypal, Perfect Money or Bitcoin.
Payments are issued in US dollars.
If there are sufficient funds on your account you can request a cash-out. Usually the request processing takes 2 - 3 business days.

What is the referral link?

Every user is provided with a referral link upon signup. Your link is:

This link has your unique referral id. When a customer clicks on your link our server knows which referral it belongs to.

If you sending emails to your friends that all you need is place a description into your email and this link. Something like this:

My friend, I found a website to make big money online. There is address:

Can I invite my friends to your site?

Yes, if somebody signing up on this website through your referral link, he or she becomes your referral. You will get commission from all the tasks that your referrals perform.
The referrals stay with you forever.
Inviting your friends is very simple; just give them your affiliate link:

Invite referrals and get revenue from every single job they do.

How to buy visitors?

To buy visitors to promote your web site, click on the "Buy Visitors" web page.
Enter your web site URL, title, and description.
Enter amount of money which you are willing to pay for one visitor.
Click the "Continue" button.
You will receive narrow 24 hour unique visitors.

How to purchase traffic?

Traffic is a source of new referrals. All new users, delivered by this traffic, will be your referrals.
To purchase traffic click on the "Buy Traffic" web page.
Select number of visitors.
Click the "Continue" button.
All traffic will be transferred during one week.

Do you have any restriction by country or by age?

You may be anyplace in the globe and run our program. No limitations by country or language.

Is this MLM, Matrix, HYIP, Auto-surfing, Investment site, Ponzi or any of those fly by night deals?

We don’t pay members using other members’ cash. Our users get profit from their hard work.

Can I quit at any time?

To cancel your account please login to your account and click on "Account" and then "Delete Account". Then click on the link "Click here to delete your account". Then click "Ok" to confirm the account deletion. After that all your content, including user information and logs, will be permanently removed from our server.

Will you charge my Credit Card or Paypal account if I have negative balance?

We cannot charge your credit card because we don’t have your credit card information and we don’t have access to your account.

What is the minimum withdrawal amount, when can I make a request and when will I be paid?

You can make withdrawal at any time if there are sufficient funds on your account.
Sometimes part of your funds is pending. For security reason we hold, for a while, the earnings that you received from surfing, jobs, and from referrals. You can see pending transactions at the Transactions web page.
You can choose if you want to be paid by Paypal, Perfect Money or Bitcoin.

Payments are issued in US dollars.
Usually the withdrawal request takes 4 - 5 business days.
With rank "amateur" you can withdraw $15.00 once in 20 days.
You can see the cash-out frequency and minimum amount by ranks at the Rank Benefits table.

How to send message to my referrals?

To send a message to one of your referral click on "My Referrals", select the referral and click on the small yellow envelope beside the referral's photo. Enter your message and click the "Send" button.

How to insert banner code into my home page or blog?

To add banner code into your blog:
  1. Login to your account at:

  2. Take the banner code from the "Invite Referrals" web page.

  3. Choose a banner and click the Get banner code button. You will see an HTML code of chosen banner.

  4. Click inside this code to highlight it.

  5. From the Internet Browser menu select Copy command.

  6. Log in to your blog. If you don’t have blog please see in our FAQs how to create blog.

  7. Create a new post in your blog or insert banner into an existing post.

  8. From the Internet Browser menu select Paste command.

  9. Don’t forget to save your post.

It is important that the HTML code does not get modified. Otherwise banners may not display properly or will not generate credits for you.

You can place banner code on each page of your web site, and your other web sites.

What does my rank mean?

Your rank gives you extra benefits and discounts. The higher your rank you have more benefits, and more income.
Your rank reflects your activity - when you invite referrals, your rank is increasing.
You can see how much score do you have and how many points you need to obtain a better rank, at the "Statistics" page.
Your rank is automatically re-calculates every 7 days.
Rank Benefits:
Sell Referrals:nonoyesyesyesyes
Leave Feedbacks:noyesyesyesyesyes
Buy Referrals from Balance:nonoyesyesyesyes
Ransom from Owner:yesyesyesyesyesyes
Cash-out Frequency:Once in 180 daysOnce in 20 daysOnce in 10 daysOnce in 7 daysOnce in 3 daysOnce in 3 days
Minimum Cash-out:$20.00$15.00$3.00$3.00$3.00$3.00
Maximum Cash-out:$20.00$16.00$8.00$10.00$11.00$14.00
Buy Referrals Discount:0%5%10%20%30%40%
Buy Traffic Discount:0%2%3%5%10%20%
Surf Sites Bonus:0%40%100%150%200%300%
Need Score to Upgrade:-100 points600 points1,071 points2,750 points3,500 points

What I have to do to get higher rank?

Every 7 days we calculate your performance and increase or decrease your rank.
If during these 7 days you have new referrals your rank will be increased. If you don't have new referrals your rank is going down.
If you make a purchase your rank is increasing as well.

Do I need to upgrade my account?

Upgrading account makes your rank higher. Your current rank is a result of your activity and it reflects many parameters.
Each rank gives different privileges like ability to sell referrals, the lower value of minimum cash-out, extra bonus for clicks, and discount on the referral price.
You can see rank privileges at the Rank Benefits table.
If you are working hard day by day, your rank increases eventually.
But there is another way, you can upgrade your account and obtain higher rank.

To upgrade your account:
  1. Click on the Upgrade web page
  2. Select upgrade level. Higher level you upgrade more privileges you have.
  3. Select upgrade period.
  4. Select payment method: Paypal, Perfect Money or Bitcoin and then click the Upgrade button.

How to create account on

  1. Open site in your Internet browser.
  2. In the Username box enter a username.
  3. In the Password box enter a password.
  4. Click to select the "I accept the terms of service" box.
  5. Click the "Sign Up" button.
  6. In the Title box enter title of your blog.
  7. Select Option A (Subdomain of and enter name of your blog.
  8. On the next page you will see how your blog will look.
  9. Select the "Paragraph with Title" icon and drag it to the page.
  10. In the Title box enter title of your blog
  11. Click on "Paragraph. Click here to edit." and enter few sentences about you, who you are, what you are doing, what country you live, about your family and friends.
    To make link to our website:
  12. Select a text and press the "Create Link" button.
  13. Select "Website" and in the box enter your general affiliate link
    This link has your unique affiliate id. When visitors clicking on this link our system knows that they come from your blog.
  14. Click the "Save" button.
Your blog is ready. Click the "PUBLISH" button.

How to buy referrals?

Buying referrals is an easy way to earn more money. You will get paid up to 60% commission from the work they done.
Referrals stay with you forever, and you can sell them at any time for real money.
To buy referrals:
  1. Click on Buy Referrals.
  2. Select user which you want to buy. Users with higher rating bring more revenue.
  3. Go to the "Checkout" web page.
  4. Select Payment Method and click the "Purchase" button.
When you are choosing a referral, you have to pay your attention how much money this referral earned during the recent time and how many referrals this referral has. Your earning comes from the referral work and also you receive commission from the referral sales.

How to create account on

  1. Open site in your Internet browser.
  2. Click the "CREATE A BLOG" button.
  3. On the following page youll be prompted to create a Google Account.
  4. Once youre done with Account, click the "Create a blog" link.
  5. Enter a Title for your blog.
  6. Enter Address (URL) like your first and last name.
  7. Then type in the verification word and click "CONTINUE".
  8. On the next step choose a template, which you like most.
  9. Then click the "START BLOGGING" button.
  10. Click the "Compose" link to switch to text mode.
  11. In the Title box enter text of your blog.
  12. Then enter few sentences about you, who you are, what you are doing, what country you live, about your family and friends.
    To make link to our website:
  13. Select a text and press the "Link" button.
  14. In the "URL" box enter your general link and click the "Ok" button.
    This link has your unique affiliate id. When visitors clicking on this link our system knows that they come from your blog.
Your blog is ready. Click the "PUBLISH POST" button.

Can I Involve Other Family Members?

You can have only one account per family or household. You cannot open account for your husband/wife, brother/sister or mother / father.

Can I have more than one account?

No, you cannot have many accounts. Only one account per person. Only one account per household. You cannot open your account from the computer from which somebody already opened an account.
If we detect that you have multiple accounts, or you have referrals which have been registered from the same computer, we will charge you $0.50 for every illegal account.
If you have too many illegal accounts your account can be banned.

If I change my mind, can I get refund?

Because the money you pay, are going directly to the suppliers of job and advertising, we don't provide refunds. Please see our TERMS OF SERVICE for more info.

How do I redeem myself from my manager?

You can send the "ransom" request to your manager from the "Statistics" webpage. Click the "Ransom yourself" button to specify the amount that you willing to pay to your manager for your freedom. You will receive an email message when your manager accepts your offer. After that go to the "Statistics" webpage again and click the "Ransom yourself" button again. Select payment method and pay for your freedom.

What is the purpose of "My Wall"?

Your personal Wall allows the posting of messages, short or temporal notes, for the user to see while displaying the time and date the message was written. Your Wall is visible to anyone. Other users can post comments to your Wall.

Hosting Gratis Berkualitas & Dapatkan Bonus Melalui Affiliatenya

Hosting Gratis
Generasi baru web hosting gratis
Lupakanlah semua stereotip tentang layanan web hosting gratis. Hostinger berbeda, kami memberikan banyak fitur, layanan web hosting yang handal serta tim support yang fantastis. Uptime server kami adalah 99,9% dan kami berterimakasih kepada teknologi cloud computing yang kami gunakan.
Support PHP dan MySQL
Kami mendukung PHP dan MySQL tanpa batasan. PHP kami hadir dengan semua fungsi dan fitur diaktifkan. Anda dapat mengubah versi PHP Anda dengan satu klik dan mengelola database dengan tool PhpMyAdmin.

Tidak ada iklan maupun banner di website Anda
Tidak ada iklan teks, pop-ups maupun banner yang sangat mengganggu. Website Anda 100 persen bebas dari iklan kami selamanya!
Script Auto Installer
Hanya dengan melakukan beberapa klik, Anda dapat menginstall Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, phpBB, Drupal, and script-script lainnya. Sebuah website profesional pun dapat Anda buat hanya dalam beberapa menit saja!

Website builder yang mudah digunakan
Anda dapat membuat website dengan sangat mudah. Bahkan seorang pemula pun dapat membuat website yang bagus dengan menggunakan website builder kami. Silahkan pilih satu dari 100 template profesional kami.
Bergabunglah dengan afiliasi kami
Undang teman Anda untuk bergabung dengan Hostinger dan dapatkan hadiah yang luar biasa seperti Domain .COM, Hosting Premium atau Bisnis, Uang cash senilai hingga Rp 1.000.000,00.


Signup and Earn Your 25$ Reward

Payoneer is an online global payments company that provides easy solution to make online payments, send and receive money from over 200 countries and also from US companies including PayPal, Amazon, and Facebook etc.  Using Payoneer Master Card, you can withdraw your funds from anywhere in the world through MasterCard supported ATM machine.
Payoneer is the best choice to withdraw money from PayPal in unsupported countries like Pakistan, Egypt, and Iran etc. Many people also use Payoneer to verify PayPal account with their US payment service.
Along with these benefits you can also make money with Payoneer affiliate program. A few days back, I had written an article about verification of PayPal account using Payoneer MasterCard. That article was much liked by readers and I also got some referrals.
Recently I have got my first commission of 25$ from Payoneer refer a friend program. So, I though why not share this good news with my readers so that they can also get benefit.

 Payoneer Refer a Friend Program

Just like many other companies Payoneer also have their affiliate program. Remember that you must have a Payoneer account in order to participate in this program. Click the link below If you don’t have a Payoneer account.
Signup for Payoneer Account 
Login to your account and you will see Payonner Affiliate Login button just on the right sidebar. Click on it and you will find your Payoneer affiliate link.
Login payoneer refer a friend
Payoneer Affiliate Account
Now whenever a person signup for Payoneer account with your affiliate link and gets first 100$ to his/her account then both of you will earn 25$ reward.  Share you affiliate link with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. and start making money with Payoneer Affiliate program.
Payoneer referral approved
Payoneer Referral Reward
My Payoneer Transactions
You will get an email from Payoneer whenever someone signup for Payoneer MasterCard with your affiliate link. Again you will receive an email when your referral loads total payment of 100$ to his/her account and you will see 25$ bonus in your account. Your referral will also earn 25$ bonus along with you after loading amount of 100$.

If you do not have a Payoneer account then follow the below link to signup and earn your 25$ reward.

Cari Uang Tambahan Melalui Affiliate Toko Lazada

Affiliate program atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia biasa disebut dengan program afiliasi atau kemitraan adalah suatu teknik marketing dimana penjual bekerjasama dengan pemasar melalui website pemasar. Dalam prakteknya para pemasar mendapatkan link khusus yang sudah diberi tracking (pelacak) sehingga setiap transaksi yang dating dari pemasar akan diketahui oleh system afiliasi penjual. 

Jika penjualan memenuhi kriteria afiliasi maka pemasar akan mendapatkan komisi dari penjualan tersebut. Komisi penjualan biasanya berupa persentasi dari harga barang yang telah terjual. Dalam kasus program afiliasi, komisi yang berikan sebesar 2,5-6% tergantung dari kategori produk di dalam transaksi yang berasal dari pemasar yang bersangkutan.

Keuntungan Anda

  • Daftar: gratis biaya pendaftaran!
  • Komisi: komisi berdasarkan kategori dengan struktur komisi 2,5% untuk barang elektronik dan 6% untuk non-elektronik.
  • Voucher: Voucher ekslusif tersedia untuk Anda.
  • Media promosi: kami menawarkan berbagai macam jenis banner, produk feed, kode voucher, API, dan promosi spesial.
  • Solusi individu: kami dengan senang hati akan mendesain berbagai media promosi & template newsletter sesuai kebutuhan Anda.
  • Support: tim affiliate dengan senang hati membantu Anda dengan pelayanan cepat.

MyAdvertisingPays Income Disclosure

The MyAdvertisingPays Compensation Plan is an exciting opportunity that rewards you for selling cost-effective online advertisements and for sponsoring other participants who do the same. Although the opportunity is unlimited, individual results will vary depending on commitment levels and sales skills of each participant.

Since MyAdvertisingPays has recently launched, it lacks enough statistical data to prepare reliable income disclosures. The numbers below reflect estimates prepared by the company pending a more detailed survey to be conducted after its first year. Based on industry standards and company projections, the average annual gross incom e for affiliates is projected to beanywhere between $500 and $2,000.

My Advertising Pays, It Pays To Be On M.A.P!Less than 1% of all participants will earn sufficient income with MyAdvertisingPays to serve as their sole source of income. There will certainly be participants who will earn less while others will earn much more. We’re excited about the MyAdvertisingPays Compensation Plan and we’re confident it will provide you a solid foundation to help you achieve your financial goals. If income projections were presented to you prior to your enrolment, such projections are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that you can or will earn through your participation in the Compensation Plan. These income projections should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Success with MyAdvertisingPays results only from hard work, dedication, and leadership.

Affiliate Program ”Get Money from your Website”
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